Confined Space Awareness - 1 Day

This 1-day course is designed for all persons that are engaged in confined space activities at a basic level. The course covers legislation, hazards and risks, the practical use of escape sets and safe access/egress of a confined space.

The delegate will gain knowledge...

...of the special hazards that those working in confined spaces may encounter and the correct safety and working practices that should be adopted when working in such conditions. Learning through theory and practical exercises, the delegate will receive guidance to meet the requirements of the Confined Space Regulations 1997.



Upon successful completion of the course...

...a Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service certificate of attendance will be issued. The delegate will need to re-qualify within three years.


For larger groups, this course can be brought to your workplace.



Learning outcomes:


  • Knowledge of legislation current to working practices and confined space regulations
  • Knowledge of problems relating to gases and gas detection
  • Personal protective equipment and hygiene
  • Permits to work and safe systems of work
  • Practical exercises in working in confined space, search and rescue
  • Set up and practical use of access equipment and escape sets
  • Assessment & certification
  • Continuous practical assessment and written multi-choice test.

Upcoming course dates:


Regular course dates are available. Please call 01392 444773 or email [email protected] for further information



Course price:


£245 + VAT per person.

This price includes lunch and refreshments.

Confined Space Awareness - 1 Day
Red One | Quality Fire & Safety Training
Red One | UK’s leading provider of fire and rescue training
Red One | UK’s leading provider of fire and rescue training

Contact us

Westpoint, Clyst St Mary,

Exeter, EX5 1DJ


+44 (0)1392 444773

[email protected]

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