Foundation Initial

RDS Recruits Programme

Our recruits course allows the delegate to obtain the skills, knowledge and understanding to join an operational station. Once returning to their station, we are confident that they will immediately be able to perform the full range of duties expected of an operational member of staff.​


Unlike most training providers, Red One has a very flexible approach to firefighter training and will tailor our courses to meet your brigade’s requirements. We can accommodate a recruit’s course of up to 24 delegates across 8-12 weeks.



During pre-course planning meetings, our instructors will work closely with you to undertake a detailed course schedule review. The process employed to ensure that all customer outcomes are achieved is based upon the 80/20 approach. 80% of the course content is constant and up to 20% will be tailored, mainly due to ‘localisms’, policy and demographics.



All instructors are serving or retired firefighters of DSFRS. All work or have worked at a minimum of Watch Manager level and have managed recruit training at our training centre in Plympton. Instructors are available for a minimum of 12 hours a day and on call out of hours to ensure the recruits are in the best position to successfully complete this course. They are dedicated to the course for the full duration and are there to provide consistency as well as pastoral care.



Time will be built into the course to allow you time with the students to review their progress. We would also welcome your instructors to assist/observe any of our training (including weekly 1-2-1s), this is something we have always encouraged other fire services to do.



Our onsite Training Centre offers private bedrooms with study areas and communal lounges. Gender specific shower and bathroom facilities are available within the residential areas. Full board catering is provided to the recruits by our dedicated chef and catering team.



Of course, the end goal is for every single learner to graduate from the course, however; we also report our success via the welfare of our students. A welfare officer will be appointed to the recruits, this officer is on call 24 hours a day. They are there to provide support and advice should the recruit have any issues or complaints. They are also on hand to provide emotional support; we understand this course is not only physically, but mentally challenging.


You can choose to add the following modules to your bespoke recruits’ course:


  • Foundation Core Skills
  • Breathing Apparatus
  • Road Traffic Collision
  • Hazardous Material Incidents
  • Safe Working at Height
  • Incident Command
  • Water Rescue
  • Casualty Care
  • Scenario Training
Foundation Initial RDS Recruits Programme
Foundation Initial RDS Recruits Programme


“Following a period of procurement Red One were successfully selected to deliver a wholetime recruits’ course for 28 newly appointed firefighters.


It was refreshing to see Red One staff take the time to understand our service, culture and what was important to us in order that our newest firefighters received the necessary fire sector knowledge, understanding, exposure and standards that a modern day firefighter requires for the 21st century.


Over a six-month period, Red One facilitated two wholetime recruit courses for us and I have to say from my perspective the whole experience was extremely positive and stress free with engagement from the team on a weekly basis. The attention to detail was superb and the dedicated support for candidates throughout was exceptional this providing for a superb learning environment with a first-class teaching team that really understood our needs. Our trainees returned to service with the necessary knowledge & skills but what was clear were the high standards that they all demonstrated daily and continue to do so. Well done Red One & thank you.”

Andy Freeman - Training Delivery Manager - Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service


To discuss your requirements please call us on 01392 444773 or drop us an email to [email protected]

Red One | Quality Fire & Safety Training
Red One | UK’s leading provider of fire and rescue training
Red One | UK’s leading provider of fire and rescue training

Contact us

Westpoint, Clyst St Mary,

Exeter, EX5 1DJ


+44 (0)1392 444773

[email protected]

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Red One | UK’s leading provider of fire and rescue training
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